Guide for authors

The Khazayin Journal of Economic and Administrative Sciences selects the contents of its issues based on the formal and substantive specifications of international peer-reviewed journals, as follows:

First: The research must be original, prepared specifically for the journal, and not published in part or in whole or published similarly to it in any electronic or paper publication.

Second: The research must be accompanied by the author's scientific CV in Arabic and English.

Third: The research must include the following elements:

  1. The first page includes the title of the research in Arabic and English, a brief introduction to the researcher and the scientific institution he/she belongs to on a separate page, and the researcher's contact information.
  2. The abstract in Arabic and English, approximately 250-300 words, and keywords after the abstract. The abstract should present in short, accurate, and clear sentences the main research problem, the methods used to study it, and the results reached by the research.
  3. The definition of the research problem, the objectives of the study, its importance, the critical review of what has been written about the subject, including the latest developments in the field of research, the specification of the research hypothesis, the development of the conceptual framework and the identification of its main indicators, the description of the research methodology, the analysis and results, and the conclusions. The research should be followed by a list of sources and references referred to by the researcher, or referred to in the text.
  4. The references are recorded at the end of the article, using the APA style:
  • Books: author (year), title of the book, publisher, (place of publication: publisher), page.
  • Articles: author (year), title of the article, journal name, volume, issue, page.
  • Presentations: author (year), title of the presentation, conference title, date of the conference, university, country.
  • Websites: author (year), full file title, website in detail: http://(.....full link.....) date of visit day / month / year).

Note: The list of references is in Times New Roman (Headings CS) font size (12) for footnotes for the Arabic language. In (Platino Linotype11) font, (interligne 1) for foreign language texts and numbers.

  1. The journal does not publish a plagiarized research or chapters from approved university theses except exceptionally, after the researcher has prepared them again for publication in the journal, and in accordance with its instructions. In this case, the researcher must indicate this and provide sufficient data about the title of the thesis, the date of its discussion, and the university where the discussion took place.

  2. The research must fall within the journal's objectives and research interests.

  3. The journal is interested in publishing critical reviews of important books that have recently been published in its fields of specialization in any language, provided that it has not been published for more than three years, and that it does not exceed 2500-3000 words. The book must fall within the researcher's field of specialization or in the field of his/her basic research interests. Reviews are subject to the same rules of arbitration as research.

  4. The number of words in the research, including references in the reference citations and explanatory footnotes, the list of references, the words in the tables (if any), and the appendices (if any), ranges from (8000 - 10000) words. The journal may publish, in its estimation and exceptionally, some research and studies that exceed this number of words. The type and size of the font are as follows:

  • The main title size of the font (16) bold and type (Times New Roman (Headings CS))
  • Subheadings: font size (12) normal and type (Times New Roman (Headings CS))
  • Text: font size (12) normal and type (Times New Roman (Headings CS))
  • Footnotes: font size (12) normal and type (Times New Roman (Headings CS))
  • The sources and references are recorded at the end of the research in the same size and font as in the text.
  1. Research and studies are published in the journal in Arabic and English.

Fourth: Electronic plagiarism and scientific arbitration:

  • Research and studies submitted for publication in the journal are displayed on the electronic plagiarism program (Turnitin), and the author bears the costs of plagiarism.
  • Each research is subject to full and confidential arbitration by two readers (referees) who are specialized in the research topic and have scientific experience in their field. In the event of discrepancies in the readers' reports, the research is referred to a third referee. The journal is committed to providing the researcher with its final decision, publication/publication