Publishing Ethics

1. The Khazayin Journal of Economic and Administrative Sciences adopts the rules of confidentiality and objectivity in the peer review process, for both the researcher and the readers (referees). Each research paper is sent to two approved readers with expertise in the research topic to be evaluated based on specific criteria. In the event of a conflict in the evaluation between the readers, the journal sends the research to another referee for a final decision.

2. The journal adopts a precise internal organizational system with clear duties and responsibilities for the editorial team and its hierarchical positions.

3. The journal is committed to informing the researcher of the decision to publish the research without modification or with certain modifications, based on the reading reports, or to apologize for the non-publication, with an explanation of the reasons for the apology.

4. The journal is committed to the quality of the proofreading, editing, printing, and electronic services it provides for the research.

5. Respect for the rule of non-discrimination: Editors and reviewers evaluate the research material based on its intellectual content, while taking into account the principle of non-discrimination on the basis of race, social sex, religious belief, or the writer's political philosophy, or any other form of discrimination, except for adherence to the rules, methods, and language of scientific thinking in presenting and discussing ideas, trends, and topics.

6. Intellectual property rights: The journal owns the intellectual property rights for the articles published in the Khazayin Journal of Economic and Administrative Sciences. It is not permissible to republish them in part or in full, whether in Arabic or translated into foreign languages, without express written permission.