The Impact of Political Marketing on Enhancing the Quality of Information Provided to Voters: The Moderating Role of Social Media An Analytical:Study of the Opinions of a Sample of Voters in Nineveh Governorate, Iraq .


  • Moatasem Natheer Ahmed Bk AL-Abaasi University of Mosul/ College of Administration and Economics , Mosul, Iraq
  • Prf Dr.Alaa Abd Al-Salam Alhamadaany University of Mosul/ College of Administration and Economics , Mosul, Iraq



Political marketing, information quality, voters


Abstract. The study aimed to explore the impact of political marketing on enhancing the quality of information received by voters, and determine whether social media plays a moderating role in the relationship between political marketing and the quality of this information. To achieve these goals, the dimensions of the political marketing model were selected based on previous models grounded in the marketing mix (4Ps) theory. Thus, political marketing in this study is represented by four dimensions; political product, political price, political distribution, and political promotion. The dimensions of the quality of information provided to voters were selected from information quality models based on the theory of information systems quality. Quality of information provided to voters (information quality) is thus based on information accuracy, information completeness, information timeliness, and information reliability. The descriptive analytical method was used in this study to achieve its objectives. To illustrate the relationships to be tested in the study, a model was constructed based on previous theories and models. The model focused on the impact of political marketing on the quality of information provided to voters, as well as the impact of political marketing on the quality of information provided to voters with social media as a moderating variable. The sample included voters in Nineveh Governorate, Iraq. A questionnaire was prepared based on previous studies and distributed electronically and retrieved for 743 respondents. The study model generated two main hypotheses and eight sub-hypotheses. The model was tested using confirmatory factor analysis to verify its validity and reliability, and the hypotheses were tested using statistical software packages (SPSS Ver. 26, AMOS Ver. 24). The study resulted in several findings including a significant impact of political marketing on the quality of information provided to voters, and a significant impact of political marketing on the quality of information provided to voters with social media as a moderating variable, indicating that social media strengthens the relationship between political marketing and the quality of information provided to voters




How to Cite

AL-Abaasi , M. N. A. B., & Alhamadaany, P. D. A. A.-S. (2025). The Impact of Political Marketing on Enhancing the Quality of Information Provided to Voters: The Moderating Role of Social Media An Analytical:Study of the Opinions of a Sample of Voters in Nineveh Governorate, Iraq . Khazayin of Economic and Administrative Sciences, 2(1), 108–124.